I don’t understand it anymore…

What’s happening in the world?

… I’m beginning to realize that perhaps it is me. That may be, my time is over, after all. Perhaps at 70, I’m too old.

Eugenio Magdalena
2 min readFeb 3, 2020
Evo Morales, ex-Dictator of Bolivia. Photo: https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1200/0*UdDIebHmVFg_75UE.jpg

Socialism gaining ground in the U.S. ...

-Cristina Kunchener being elected as Argentina’s VP .…

-Trump elected President of the U.S. ...

-Bochanaro elected President of Brazil …

-Evo Morales, a 14-year Dictator of Bolivia, a Constitutional violator, a cheater, goes on TV defending democracy…and some Bolivians still believe him …

-A killer, a mass-murderer Che Guevara, is presented as a savior of freedom and democracy. His portray/silhouette chosen as a symbol of freedom by worldwide protesting marchers…and by self-proclaimed “defenders” of democracy …

-Marie Le Pen, President of the extremist right-wing party National Front, advances to the second round of the 2017 Presidential election in France, and although she loses the final round election to Emmanuel Macron, she obtained roughly 1/3 of all the valid votes.

-The richer, most powerful country on Earth, also the 2nd largest polluter of our air, the U.S.A., just withdrew of the Climate Control Worldwide Agreement…its President went on record saying publicly that he does not believe in Climate Change … in spite of all scientific evidence…

There must be something I’m missing … so many voters can’t be wrong …or can they? ...

But the reality is that things look upside-down to me.

You see, many cultures only obeyed the decisions of the elder members of their society …or the wealthier…or the most educated …

But most people are born poor … the uneducated individuals comprise large segments of the world’s population … even in the U.S.a great percentage of people over 65 (about 15% of the population) just got basic schooling …

And the population doesn’t stop growing …

There is no hope then, you’d say, right?

Well, perhaps not to members of my generation. And also to 2 or 3 generations before/after mine.

But, surely sooner than later, someone will wake up and lead multitudes to act with common sense … to clean and maintain clean our oceans and air … to change the electoral rules, so only the right-ones elect and get elected.

After all, it’s only common sense, right?



Eugenio Magdalena

Eugenio is a disabled Economist (UCAB, Caracas), cursed a post-graduate Diploma in Marketing (Strathclyde University, Scotland, UK), and an MBA (England, UK).